Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bees, Bushogging, Toilets and More.......

Here is a look at the what was causing the toilet to lean in the ladies bathroom.  The joists and wood sub floor is very rotted.  The contractor placed new blocking around the toilet flange and replaced two layers of plywood and a new layer of cement board on top to get ready for tiling.
All complete and back open for business!
Here is a picture of some maintenance we are doing to the sand filter at the back of the driving range.  We have continued to see the filter work correctly since the work was completed.  Our job is to keep it looking as good as we can between inspections and to do the necessary work that the county requests when they perform the inspections which are done every three years.  Our next inspection is scheduled between January 1st 2015 and March 1st 2015.
Here is a look at a good size bald face hornets nest we had to remove from the bushes along the stairs leading to the green on hole 13.  Bald face hornets are actually a beneficial insect but because of the location of the nest it was necessary to remove it.
The naturalized areas are starting to be bushogged throughout the course.
About 2 weeks ago we were able to have all of the lights in every building changed over to LED.  This program that PEPCO was offering will help them lower their energy needs and lower our own electricity consumption and hopefully our bill!