We have had some really great weather this year and the fall has been no different. Already there have been some frosts this year and some blasts of really cold weather we are encountering now. These recent cold blasts has put tell us when we need to get certain things done and also when to stop doing others. There are so many things that we have to do to prepare not only the course but also the clubhouse and grounds for the winter. Up to this point we have been busy mulching leaves and trying to keep the playing surfaces free of debris, the tees received a heavy application of topdressing, patio furniture has been stored, the ice and water machine on the back patio has been winterized, the irrigation system has been drained but not blown out yet, the coolers have been brought in during the really cold snaps, the greens received a fungicide application for winter diseases like snow mold and the last cut on the tees, fairways and rough was completed. Even though we are experiencing some unseasonable frigid weather we will not be frozen for long which will allow us to continue to knock out some small projects. We have also cut back on our staffing levels for the winter which brings up some things to consider during this time of year when normal maintenance practices are limited by staffing. One of the most important items to address is raking the bunkers. There are times when the sand in the bunkers is frozen from the really cold temperatures but we always try to keep them raked during the off season when we can. You can help us out by just making sure to rake your footprints after hitting your shot. This picture below is what I do not want to see, after only 3 hours after raking this bunker on the first hole are footprints leading to where this golfer hit their shot and leaving his foot prints not raked.
If you look close you can see footprints starting below and walking towards the center of the bunker. |
The sand based bentgrass tees were core aerified again this fall and topdressed and the other tees were just topdressed. Our main focus was to first do the tees with a high population of bentgrass to help firm them up and dilute thatch. |
During some high winds the old netting on the driving range ripped. |
Phil and Mike securing the netting back up. |
Tree work on the driving range tee. The two locusts on the driving range tee had to come down, they were dead and a hazard to anyone hitting balls. |
An old pine tree behind 17 blue tee that snapped years ago needed to be removed as well. |
This is the pine tree on the left side on 17 fairway. Finally after removing a dead leader a few years ago the rest of the tree died an needed to be removed. |
White lines painted on the surface roots that need to be removed. |