Sunday, May 24, 2015

Course Update 5/24/2015

What a busy week and it started off hot!  It felt like July on Monday and Tuesday but things cooled down before the weekend!  On Monday 5/18 we were able to get the greens double verti-cut, blown off, mowed and applied a light topdressing before our 1:00 pm shotgun went off.  We verti-cutt when the bentgrass gets what we call "leggy."  The light topdressing is more of a consistent thing we do but when we can get it into the grooves from the verti-cutter, that's a good thing!  We also received 1.75" of rain Monday night that helped wash in the topdressing which was right on time with how dry things were the previous week.

I know a big discussion around the club is why did we remove the broken tee boxes at the tee markers.  First the teeing area looks more inviting and open.  Secondly it is one more thing that the setup guy in the morning has to move.  The above picture is not what we want to see.  If you are willing to pickup your tee and throw it to the side, just take it back to your cart and leave it in there or put it into the trash can.  We still have to pickup the tees that you are leaving and it is basically littering.  Please help us keep our course clean!
Here is another example of where people are throwing there tees.  Next to the tee on #8 is a tree with mulch around it and about 20 broken tees laying in the mulch.  Another few steps and the tees could have ended up in the trash can or your cart.
With the pool opening a week earlier this year we got busy getting tables painted, setup, cleaned and pressure washed.  After getting the pool deck and strap furniture pressure washed we turned our attention to other areas that needed it.  Here you can see how dirty the concrete pad is under the covered pavilion by the pool, but not anymore!
Making the deck next to the snack shed look brand new!
Another concern we addressed this year was adding mats to the pool house in the ladies and men's bathroom to prevent any slip and fall accidents.  When we put the tile down last year it was becoming very slippery when the floor was wet.  We put 20 mats down to prevent any accidents this year but please remember to walk and not run while in the pool house!
Wow is that our snack shed?  Yes it is and it looks great!  Finally all of our buildings have the old T-111 wood siding covered with vinyl siding.  The snack shed also got new granite counter tops outside, stairs, door and screen doors well.  All of the exterior work to the pool house buildings are complete. 
Here is the before picture as they started removing the old windows.
Here is the finished product.  The pool house received a new roof, siding, windows, paint and all of the wood trim was wrapped in metal.  The pump house to the left got the same treatment and a real door was added.  You can see the swim team record board hanging in a nice PVC frame in the center of the pool house. 
I would like to say Thank You Shannon Allcock with Shanco Companies for doing such a great job!


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