Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Course Update

I wanted to snap a picture of what the rough around the greens and tees are cut at so everyone can see the height of where we are at.  Now that we are in June the rough will start to simmer down a bit since it is getting to the end of its seeding phase.  We will always go through this phase because during the spring because the plant is using all of its sugar to produce seed head to help it reproduce.  Typically you will see longer stemmy looking stalks with seed head.  This time of year along with the spring rains makes it tough to keep up with the grass cutting and also the quality of the cut is not a good as we would like to see.  As the heat arrives and the seeding phase goes away the density also lightens up making the rough a bit more playable.  Everyone knows that during the spring you cut your yard about once every 3 to 4 days and we try to do the same but between events and weather that is not always the case.  As we prepped for the MSGA Women's Mid Amateur this week we cut the entire rough in 2 days which is a first this year.  The bad part is that we cannot keep cutting during their tournament Thursday and Friday, so we will have to play catch up early next week.
A small improvement outside the ball room exit door was the additional landscaping we installed.  We removed an old ugly yucca plant and a native grass and added several shrubs to fill the space in.  The plants we chose were Itea "Little Henry", Otto Luyken Laurel, Pieris "Cavatine", Lantana "Pina Colada", and some Hosta.


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