Friday, July 4, 2014

A few thoughts ...........

I think the sign says it all.
It is that time of the year to start putting down your grub control.  Here is a picture of a Northern Masked Chafer beetle looking for a happy place to lay some eggs if she has been mated.  Once she lays the eggs they will hatch after a few weeks if the soil moisture is good.   Then the larvae will start to come up to eat the grass roots.
Here is a picture of a new herbicide that came out last year that we have began to use.  It is called Pylex.  We are focusing our attention to specific weeds that have bee very hard to control in the past like nimblewill and dallisgrass.  Being an old golf course we have a little of everything out here and will be doing spot treatments as the weather allows.  This application was put out before we really started to get dry in the roughs and now we need more rain to help get some more soil moisture in the ground before we continue.  This will allow for better uptake of the herbicide and also limit some of the injury to the turfgrass.  We did the entire left side of the cart path on hole 13 and the right side of 10 cart path.

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